Brendan O’Connor/RTE Radio
Brilliant to be back chatting with Brendan. This time all about how to make the most of wintertime!
Six O’Clock Show/Virgin Media
I had such a lovely time chatting with Zeinab and Grainne all about how to do boundaries well and not to burn out at Christmas!
FM 104
I was thrilled to chat with Louise Tighe about FemmeQ a summit I recently attended in Strasbourg. FemmeQ brings together transformational catalysts from all walks of life, who harness female intelligence to build a new system. One that prioritises regeneration of our planet, new ways of being in community, and our collective physical and mental health.
Six O’Clock Show/Virgin Media
Incredibly honoured to give voice to our ancient traditions of Samhain, the old medicine ways. The wisdom of old still has lots to teach us. At Samhain, we learn about the cycle of birth/death/rebirth and how necessary this flow is.
Netwatch Research
This global leader in security regularly carry out research with Irish organisations and for the first time staff intimidation and abuse has been mentioned as being of real concern for businesses. I spoke with Newstalk, Galway FM and Business Plus magazine on what this means for Staff and how to engender Psychological Safety.
Netwatch Research
I’m always intrigued to hear from Sharon DIngle - her topics are always so thought provoking and make me stop and think. A thing I love to do! This topic was no different, when she asked for my views on “Boredom”, and whether we need to look at it with fresh eyes.
The Examiner
I’m always intrigued to hear from Sharon DIngle - her topics are always so thought provoking and make me stop and think. A thing I love to do! This topic was no different, when she asked for my views on “Boredom”, and whether we need to look at it with fresh eyes.
Six O’Clock Show/ Virgin Media
I was absolutely thrilled to be asked to sit down with Karen and Zeinab on this iconic show, talking all things “September starts” and the origin of my instagram @startwith3minutes If you missed us live you can watch some of it here!
While I’m not usually called upon to comment on parental relationships, I do often offer support to my clients in terms of culture, and in terms of self-limiting beliefs. All of these were rolled into one, when I was asked to comment on the ongoing non- consensual kiss when Spain won the football world cup. You can listen back here to the full podcast. My commentary is at the end!
RTE Radio 1
Lovely to join Brendan O’Connor today, chatting how best to manage the transition from Summer to the darker months, how to reignite our sense of self-connection and happiness, and how to stop grinding the gears.
Business Post
How to juggle the kids and work over the summer months? Is it fair to expect some more flexibility? Read my advice in the Business Post Magazine here
The Examiner
Sharon Ni Chonchuir tackles the topic of workplace grudges, and I was delighed to share my views on the damage these can cause, and what we can do to move on from grudges