About me.

I am a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Chartered Work and Organisational Psychologist, Chartered Coaching Psychologist, Professional Level Executive Coach and Qualified and practicing Irish Celtic Shaman.  

I have worked with organisations and the people in them for 25 years now. Organisations who needed the rigour of psychology and coaching methodologies to help them with the full suite of their talent needs, change management, strategy, leadership development, culture. All the usual domains, with some of the biggest names in International and Irish business. But after 25 years of this type of work, my clients and the research tells me that just focusing on these streams of work is no longer sufficient. Individuals, Organisations and Communities need something quite different. Our world has changed, and needs new solutions. We are papering over cracks by offering only the traditional tools, slightly re-packaged. We need to look at things differently. More deeply.

 Shamanism has added that missing dimension to my professional practice. Being a psychologist and coach allows me to support my clients from the psychological and emotional levels. Being a Shaman allows me to go deeper into the mythic and energetic. This is where the real magic and long lasting change takes place. 

I work with clients around their personal, business and community lives, who are really ready to commit, engage and deeply transform their realities. From the ‘inside out’.  

It has been a lifelong journey to get to where I am now. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned.

It started with the head.

My father was a pioneer of organisational psychology. Growing up we often had thought-leaders from the worlds of business and psychology staying with us in our home in Dublin. I followed my heart, (and my Dad), building my career as a Work and Organisational and later Coaching Psychologist. I have since built up 25 years of commercial experience.

At the end of 2014, with two small children and mid-training for my Coach Diploma, I became suddenly, chronically ill. I had some extraordinary experiences over the years it took to heal and learn to walk again. I met some incredible medical people, but also on my path to recovery I met John and Karen, founders of Slí An Chroí (pathway of the heart). The holistic model of healing Shamanism taught at Slí An Chroí is thoroughly rooted in the spiritual energy of the land of Ireland.

A part of me has always believed in a deeper place of ‘knowing’ that wasn’t just about what you could see or touch. A sense of deep connection. An inner knowing. A gut instinct.

When I began my training as a Celtic Shaman it was like coming home. It gave me new, yet ancient tools to better understand myself, rebalance, realign and find my place in the natural world. I had a new strength, clarity and purpose. Nothing was “put on to me”, rather the insights helped me articulate and externalise what I had always felt in my inner world, but until then didn’t have the vocabulary or frameworks to articulate.

My Shamanic practice became part of my recovery and my daily life and quite naturally integrated into my professional approach, with many of my long-term corporate clients asking specifically for shamanic input to our work together.

The Head, Heart and Gut in balance. Working together

My unique approach delivers proven results, interweaving psychology, coaching and shamanism in a way that is accessible and approachable. That may be hard to imagine, but don’t worry, I will meet you where you are! We’ll tailor a plan to you.

Quantum science continues to uncover what ancient wisdom traditions have always known. We all have energy bodies, and these energy bodies can be subject to energy blocks and losses. This is true of people, of organisations, of communities. We can continue to work at a Psychological level, but for those who wonder about going deeper, we can also work together at an energetic level. I can partner with you as you seek to design, unblock and restore the rightful natural energy so needed for real and lasting fulfilment. 

 I can guarantee you an energising, enlightening, transformational experience that will be both confronting and rewarding; but never boring. Bringing together psychology, coaching and shamanic wisdom, I truly have the tools to help you help yourself.

So, what is your head, heart or gut telling you now?

Have you had enough of feeling frustrated with a challenge in your personal, work or community life? Are you ready to reconnect and rebalance? To begin to show up in the world as a fully authentic, powerful version of yourself, your organisation, your community?
Give me a completely confidential, no-obligation call today. Let’s see how we can move you forward to where you deserve and most want to be. It is my passionate belief that the world needs whole people, ready to effect real change, now.