Before we start

Organisations are an incredibly powerful organism of our future. For the survival of our planet and our health and well-being we need organisations that subscribe to the treaty of ‘do no harm’. Already we know that most organisations are established on the primary premise of profit at all costs, and this approach is contributing to the elimination of our resources and health.

While I am not averse to working with organisations whose primary motivation is profit, I will only work with organisations who subscribe to the paradigm of ‘do no harm’, and I advise organisations who want to embrace and build this kind of legacy also.

Sound ok? Right let’s get going.

Helping you build a better business

There are so many ways to help your organisation contribute to a better world, from improving your wellbeing, diversity and inclusion plan, protecting and energising your workforce, to setting sustainability objectives for the future.

In my 25 years as a Work and Coaching Psychologist, I have helped countless organisations align their resources to increase their profits, reshape and re-energise their team and build a better culture.

Do you have a clear goal, or specific area of your business that needs attention?

I can bring your organisation seamlessly through any change program that needs to happen in relation to talent management, including psychometrics for selection and development, leadership development, coaching, strategy, values, organisational design, culture and wellbeing.

Transforming your organisation:
my approach

While I can still work with organisations in the typical way that I have for the last 25 years, increasingly I am hearing that this is not enough. Our world is changing, and we need a new approach.  I have listened, gone deeper with my research and my thinking, and this has led me to design my 3-Step ‘Inside Out’ model.

In this model your leadership team will come together in a series of workshops and one-to-one sessions designed to nurture the team and the organisation. Together we’ll create lasting change, solve present and future problems and fundamentally shape the future of your organisation.

Stage 1: Self-Connection

It’s important that all leaders, as individuals have a strong sense of self connection, that they can trust and listen to their inner voice, their ‘gut’. Harnessing my Inside Out model I will bring the group through the five modules that I know work again and again for strengthening their sense of self-connection.

This work is practical and empowering, resourcing them to find their own tools for these all important five domains. With a stronger sense of self-connection, they can truly work together with power and authenticity.

Stage 2: Universal Connection

Building on this place of self-connection we can move beyond the psychological and emotional level and begin to connect with the organisation itself, working to understand where it lies at a mythic and energetic level. I call this phase of connection the heart stage.

Using a mix of psychological and Shamanic techniques we will dive deep into this together, creating the future story and energy of the organisation.

These exercises, by design, will help to align your leadership team and the organisation, the two become one as our work progresses.

Stage 3: Change for good

Your team are stronger and energised, united with a clearer picture of your organisation’s energy and its current and future place in the world. It’s time to move into a phase of powerful change; the head stage.

Harnessing 25 years of pure occupational psychology I can bring your organisation seamlessly through any change program that needs to happen in relation to talent management, strategy, values, organisational design, culture and wellbeing.

We’ll work together on a co-created change programme that empowers your organisation to self-manage, with no dependence on me longer term.

I will work in partnership with you, in a practical, tailored and co-creative way. Drawing on my in-depth, successful track record of empowering clients to solve business issues and challenges, optimising your time, energy and expenditure.

Getting the best results 

I’d love to talk you through all this and hear about your organisation’s needs, of course there is flexibility in how we work together. 

While it is not an absolute requirement that you follow all of these three steps to work with me, I do believe that my 3-step model represents best practice, and will maximise the return you receive on your investment. This 3-step process represents a supported, systematic and inclusive model of resourcing of your Leadership team, and the gathering and seamless integration of data critical to the future success of your business. This investment will speak volumes about how much you rate and value your people and their future with you.

You will quite simply, never look back.

Wellbeing retreats

My retreat workshops give everyone the chance to renew and recharge, away from the pressures and distractions of normal life. In honour of the changing seasons, and in line with the ancient Celtic festivals, four times a year I offer half-day, in person sessions.

I also offer bespoke residential retreats, as well as tailor-made retreats for organisations or community groups. These retreats offer a mix of ancient and modern methods, rituals, discussion, movement, and stillness, and are co-created in partnership with the audience in mind.