Global Interdependency and a coming shift in how I work

I’ve long held an oft ridiculed view that no line on a map, or religious doctrine, or political manifesto should have the power to delineate the fact that we are one human race, who must learn to live interdependently on our shared home, alongside all other components of our shared Nature.

This has been the view of your ancestors too, and while Paganism and Shamanism have suffered hundreds of years of deliberate stigmatisation, modern science is now “uncovering” this fact that has been long known in our ancient wisdom traditions. We are Nature. We are our skies, our waters, our earth, our plants and animals and fish, our humankind. We are all different but all intelligent, and this complete lack of balance that the human race in our lab coats, with our cartographers and religious idols have cast, has caused untold damage. We are all out of balance, and dying as a result.

I’ve never needed to read this need for interdependence in a science journal to understand it, or to be sure of it. I’ve known it in my tissues since I was a girl. My years long study of Shamanism has helped me to verbalise that which I always instinctivly knew, and I am very grateful to our shared ancient tradition.

I am a Psycologist and a Coach by trade. And I love what I do, and will always use these skills in my life. Up until now, I’ve tagged Shamanism on at the end, but that has felt like not the complete picture for some time now.

As such, over the last year or so I have been actively working on ways to integrate my work psychology, coaching and shamanism into interwoven solutions for individuals, organisations and international communities. The professionals I have road tested this with have been unanimous in their response that “this is what the world needs”. And I can’t wait!

There are so many people and movements around the world who are keen to work in a fair, sustainable and wholly integrated way, making use of their multiple intelligences. Making decisions 7 generations out, as the indigineous knew to do. If you are one of these, and would like to connect with me in this space, then please get in touch.

Nothing will change on my website or socials for another few months, but know that I am working away in the background to make these changes. If this is your vocation too, I’d love to hear from you.


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