How to live from the Inside Out

Thrilled to share that once again I am offering these Women’s Workshops, online from Oct 8th, 12 noon to 2pm every second Tuesday, 5 workshops, over a 10-week span.

Borne out of my own research about the recurring themes I was seeing with clients - men and women - over about a 10-year period, I wrote these workshops to plug the gaps. And I charge a fraction of my corporate rates, in my effort to “give back.” I also offer them exclusively to women in my effort to “balance out” our world!

No experience is necessary, but places are booking fast and I keep the group small. Cost is usually redeemable against health insurance, and while I love for all women to make all sessions, we can occasionally record a session where life gets in the way!

This investment will be to learn skills that will last your life time. No one will tell you what to do. Each woman gets something different from each session, as you will each personalise what you need from the material I share. These are tried and tested techniques and insights that will gently facilitate you to make whatever changes, big or small, you need in your life. Coupled of course too with the support of a community of like-minded women.

Further info, dates and to book here. Can’t wait to have you join our group


What if “performance”is just a portal?