Leisha Redmond McGrath - New website, new approach, launching May

I am beyond thrilled to (finally) be able to announce that I have been working on a total re-brand, complete with name change!

My maiden name is Redmond, but as the daughter of Ireland’s first Work and Organisational Psychologist, I did not want to ride on his coat tails, and so changed to my married name to make my own mark in the field, when I first qualified 25 years ago. Now that said pioneer is 80 and wholeheartedly retired, and in line with my Shamanic nature, I wanted to bring my true lineage back into my name. So, although not a fan of double-barrel names per se, I am now Leisha Redmond McGrath.

Over the last 25 years, since my Masters, I have earned three Psychology Charterships ( Occupational, Work and Organisational and Coaching), a Professional level Coaching accreditation, and my Irish Celtic Shaman qualification. I have also overcome years of chronic ill health and learned to walk again, alongside parenting two wonderful children and developing an ever-deepening relationship with my husband. Alongside this, I have partnered with, supported and championed 25 years worth of clients and their personal and work based engagements.

And I have listened and I have learned. And I have changed.

Over the last few years, I found myself walking away from countless offers of work. Great, well paid work, that I could have done, enjoyed doing. Something really didn’t feel right, and it took me some time to work out what. I wasn’t sure what was going on, couldn’t explain it. But I listened. Bit by bit, the clouds cleared and I now have the most clarity I have ever had in my professional life.

What I realise now is that I don’t want to use my qualifications, skills and experience to further the status quo. I don’t want to support organisations to get every last ounce out of their employees, to create a culture that prioritises economics and bottom line metrics, to work with organisations who do not care for their stakeholders and wider communities. There are a myriad of consultants out there who will do that. Who will quote chapter and verse of some new theory. Who will be well paid, and who will paper over surface cracks, meaning well, but not wholly aware of the wider systems perspective.

I don’t want any hand act or part in that. I want to empower people to think and feel for themselves. And to use their head, heart and gut intelligences to help solve the problems that the world faces.

I want to work with Individuals, Organisations and Communities.

I believe all work starts with self-connection, and I can show you how. Then we can partner together to solve whatever issue is going on in your work and community life. We can use science and we can use soul. We will tap into all your intelligences and all the ways in which you “know”.

I am not forgoing all my qualifications and experience, rather I am fusing them all together in a new synergy. I am also being hugely intentional in who and why I serve those that I am lucky enough to work with.

www.leisharedmondmcgrath.com will be live in May. Please get in touch and let’s solve problems in a new and unique way. We need longer lasting, better serving results. Our world needs this new approach. We know status quo does not work. Let’s come together to thrive with a new way of being, working and operating in community together.




Bealtaine Workshop this coming Sunday - 28th April