Praise For Women’s Wellbeing Workshop

In preparation for re-running my Women's Wellbeing workshops, I took out the feedback forms from past sessions. I wanted to share a handful of the more general feedback comments below. I passionately believe in the power and importance of this work as the foundation for happier, more connected lives. When we live from a place of connection and growth, we can thrive in our personal and professional lives. For anyone who's been led by a disconnected Leader, you'll know the damage these people can inadvertently cause. That's why this work is so important on all fronts!

·  Another fantastic session, thank you. I will be truly sad when these sessions finish. I look forward to them so much each week

· What a great session. When in the moment of the session it all makes so much sense & gives us time to flush out thoughts & perhaps get a light bulb moment. It resonates & hopefully will follow me during the week
·  I am finding the whole experience really brilliant. I love the fact that there are a number of us as I feel less pressured and alone.
· Loved today’s session. I’m taking a huge amount from the workshops. They’re so well thought out and extremely practical (which I love).
·  I absolutely love your course. I am learning so much about myself, I feel safe & free to speak up or sit back & listen.  
· Thank you for another fantastic session today. You have created such a wonderful safe space for all of us to talk.
·  It was such an excellent workshop. I took so much away and feel stronger with the simplicity of it all.
· Really enjoyed it all. Liked hearing other's point of view. One woman said she lives in her head, and that really resonated. You read stuff like that all the time but there is nothing like sharing a problem among likeminded people.
· I would do this workshop monthly if it was on offer -please?!?
· I really enjoyed the workshop today. I felt the flow was nice and relaxed, I felt there was no judging and it wasnt rushed either. My main reason was just to get a bit of time for myself, because I often feel that I serve absolutely everyone around me but I leave myself to be the very last. I have got a lot better at this in the past year but I still have a way to go and your workshops will really help me with the skills to keep going with connecting with myself and my own needs.
· I really enjoyed your workshop. It was really interesting and thought provoking. Not often you take the time to reflect like that so thanks for creating this safe, worthwhile space
· That was a brilliant workshop. Great content. It was very timely for me.
· I liked the questions,the process of how we answered them, how those answers are totally within our power and what would result from following through. It was great
· Many thanks for the session. I love all that work. It gives me time to think and focus and write, which I may not have done otherwise. The flow was fabulous. Don’t change any of it.


Psychological Safety. What is it and why is it so important?


Women’s Wellbeing Workshop - Now live to book