Upcoming Events
You are so welcome to join a circle of kind-hearted women, keen to step into this next season of Summer, in a gentle and conscious way.
You are so welcome to come and sit in circle with us, ahead of this next season. While many associate Autumn with October, true Autumn begins in August!
A hearty welcome awaits you at this auspicious time, when the veils between the worlds are thin. Come and join a warm-hearted circle of women, as we gently explore our hidden depths, in a safe and confidential circle.
So many women tell me that they feel like they're spinning their wheels - doing all the things they "should" do for everyone else, and yet they remain unhappy and unfulfilled. Certain that life has more to offer - but how to get there when they're soooooo busy already? Sometimes it's just easier to keep going and hope for the best.
Sound familiar?