RTE Radio
Thank you to the whole team on the Brendan O’Connor show for having me back on, this time to chat about the importance of summer work for teens. We talked their necessary process of individuation (as they grow for children to adults and separate themselves as individuals from their parents), and the competencies that this early exposure to work can garner them for their future careers.
Irish Examiner
It's always great to chat with Sharon Ni Chonchuir for the Irish Examiner, this time about the prevalence and dangers of workplace gossip.
Thanks for asking me to contribute on this piece about the benefits of anger, and how to manage it constructively.
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FM 104
Thank you as ever to Louise Tighe for having me on to chat all things Personality and Reality TV. What does our reaction to this genre say about us?
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Today FM
It was great to chat with @ZaraKing on the Last Word about how to spot the signs of burnout, and crucially what to do about it!
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Six O’ Clock Show
Thank you to the whole team for having me back on again, this time to talk Personality and what Reality TV teaches us about ourselves.
Irish Examiner
I loved contributing to this piece for Sharon Ni Chonchuir on the dangers of being overly productive, and how we’re not built to sustain it
Dublin City FM
Wonderful to chat with Laura Kelly again, this time about how the most important relationship is with ourselves and what this means on Valentines day.
Six O’Clock Show
So lovely to be back in with the lovely team on Six, this time chatting about how not to worry what others think about you!
Dublin City FM
I really enjoyed my first time to chat with Laura Kelly and with the time of year that’s in it, we chatted all things goals and resolutions and how to be happy.
Six O’Clock Show
How lovely to be asked back to this iconic show, this time chatting all things goals/intentions/vision boards for 2024!
The Irish Examiner
What a joy to contribute to this for Sharon Dingle! How Santa runs his workshop so well, from a technical perspective of Work Psychology!