Some (experience based) thoughts as I prepare to come back

We’re all familiar with the beautiful image of a seemingly serene swan. A being who looks effortless in their movement, going about their day. But what we don’t see, is the furious paddling below water level. Not everything is as it seems on the surface.

And we’ve all been there. Smiling through gritted teeth as we take on more and more. Giving off an effortless demeanour while inside we’re doing mental arithmetic of how the hell we can possibly get it all done. Well, I’ve certainly been there and done that, and I’m in no hurry to go back.

And so, as I prepare to come back to seeing clients after 2 months of reading and researching and holidaying, I wanted to share some insights that 25 years of professional work of this nature has gleaned. A stream of consciousness really…

- I am, and my wellbeing is worth more than my capacity to take on too much and burnout

- I do not have to do it all, and in fact I will reframe the “too busy” as an opportunity to lean into family, colleagues, and community to share the load. I bet they could do with help too

- I am actively diarising more white space than I think I need. Micro-breaks between meetings, longer breaks at either end of the day and on weekends to simply be, to potter, to do what I feel like in that moment, not according to a schedule

- I will not even mention the word per$ectio* - it’s a fallacy that doesn’t exist

- I will keep it simple, and focus on the foods/movement/practices/resources that I know fuel and resource me. I will be open to new ones too

- When I take on too much and forget all of the above, I will forgive myself quickly and start again

- In all the running around of kids and parents and wider life, I will remember that I too can have goals and activities and needs and I will reframe the other stuff as “I get to” rather than that “I have to”

- I will live in tune with the seasons as I have for many years now, and at this time of Lughnasadh, of Harvest, I will celebrate my wins and my successes and also think about what I need to let go of

- I will let go of the need to have it all figured out and I will roll with the flow more

- I will tune in more to how I actually feel, and not just how I am “supposed” to feel, and I’ll make the necessary changes!

Hopefully some or all of these resonated with you. Best of luck in curating a life that you love!


Are you living your legacy?


Taking a break