Are you living your legacy?

Although it’s a question oft posed as Shamans, and one I often offer my clients, the untimely passing of my young cousin recently, really brought this question into view again.

Tomorrow is promised to no one. Can you look yourself and your loved ones in the eye and honestly answer that you are living the life you want? Are you leaving the kind of legacy you want? And what is that legacy in the first place?

Shamanically of course, we often talk about “leaving no trace” on the Earth, but most of us will want to leave a trace in the hearts of those we love, a contribution to the field of passion we pursue. And what else?

I believe that we are all incarnated here and now for a reason, but it can be hard sometimes to know what that reason is. Personally, I believe it’s likely more simple than we often make out, but I believe passionately that focusing on this, on our legacy, rather than being morbid, instead facilitates us to live more fully. With more passion, focus, joy and dedication.

So, what can you do to live your legacy? Maybe ask yourself the following:

  • Am I living my legacy? Tune into your body for signs that you are/are not. This could be a feeling of joy in your heart, a constriction in your chest, a string of excuses in your head. Listen!

  • Notice, as you go about your life, where you are naturally led. What/who/where interests you? Are you spending enough time there?

  • Where are you triggered and by whom? What does that tell you? What can you do about it?

  • What would you like your obituary/eulogy to say? Take a stab at writing it now

  • Most end of lifers focus on the quality (or not) of their relationships. How are yours?

It’s often cited that living well is all about how well we learn to *** live***love***let go.

How are you doing on those three?

Know fully, that if you don’t actively create the life you want now, someone else will harness your time for you instead. And where you spend your time, is your life. Read that again! Where you spend your time is your life!”

Use it wisely. None of us are getting out of here alive. How do you want to be remembered?


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