Leisha’s Blog

Sibling And Rival Sibling And Rival

Praise For Women’s Wellbeing Workshop

In preparation for re-running my Women's Wellbeing workshops, I took out the feedback forms from past sessions. I wanted to share a handful of the more general feedback comments below. I passionately believe in the power and importance of this work as the foundation for happier, more connected lives.

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Sibling And Rival Sibling And Rival

Women’s Wellbeing Workshop - Now live to book

A passion project for me, and a way of “giving back”, I’m thrilled to share that I am offering another round of my community Women’s Wellbeing Workshops online, kick off November 7th @ 7pm. Bookings now LIVE.

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Sibling And Rival Sibling And Rival

Resilience - Ted Talk

As we transition into a new Season and for many of us back to a more full diary, and other people’s schedules, resilience as a need can often be front and centre!

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Sibling And Rival Sibling And Rival

Relationships and Communication - Key factors in life and transition

With over 20+ years commercial experience, thousands of hours worked and people/professionals met, having been around long enough to see theories re-hashed and re-formed (but often saying the same thing as their predecessor), I’ve concluded, that to excel in work and life in general, it all comes down to relationships and communication.

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Sibling And Rival Sibling And Rival

Media and Public Speaking

I feel really lucky that I regularly get the chance to comment on pertinent issues in the media, and to speak with organisations and community groups alike.

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