Calling out to communities

Are you part of a community that needs help re-energising, realigning or regrouping? Or are you just getting started and keen to build things in the best way possible?

It is my feeling that the communities, where we choose to live and work and be, are the new families of the future. We know from blue-zone research that when we take active steps to come into community together, we grow together in a positive and inter-dependent manner, increasing our longevity and fulfillment. This is truly what our planet needs; more trust, more collaboration, more togetherness. But just like families, communities are made up of a diverse collection of individuals. Strengthening a community starts with working on our own, individual self-connection and wellbeing. 

My new programme of Community Inside Out Workshops has been created to nurture each of you, nourish you as a group, and help you bring your community together with unity, energy and purpose. We’ll work in small groups, through three phases ideally. But of course, depending on resources we can work together on one stream at a time.

Stage 1: Self-Connection

Individuals that operate from a deep place of self-connection are the ones that thrive more and have more to give. The first stage of this work is to come home to ourselves. The self-authoring of who and why we are here in the world. Our self-connection.

In this stage we will learn to trust and listen to our inner voice, our ‘gut’. Through a series of workshops, and tailored to the group needs,I will bring the group through a series of modules for strengthening their sense of individual self-connection. These can pull on my Inside Out method and be curated to best suit the overall group needs

This work is practical and empowering, resourcing each of you to find your own tools for self-connection. With a stronger sense of self-connection, you can truly work as a thriving community.

Stage 2: Community Connection

Building on our place of self-connection we can now focus on the community itself, working to understand where it lies at a mythic and energetic level. I call this phase of connection the heart stage.

In order to arrive at our destination, we need to first pick a point on the map! I can help here by supporting the enquiry of what type of community you are trying to build. What is the energetic currency of this community? Where does it sit, now and in the future? Whom does it serve, and how?

 Using a mix of psychological and Shamanic techniques we will dive deep into this work together, creating the future story and energy of your community. This work can be done through a series of tailored, inspiring workshops that allows us to harness other sources of wisdom, accessing somewhere deeper.

These exercises, by design, will help you to come together with a clear vision for your community and to unearth under-utilised sources of information. You’ll feel united and energised.

Stage 3: World Connection

 Your team are united with a clearer picture of your community’s energy and identity.

Now let’s look outwards. How could your community connect with others near and far? How can it become part of building a better world? I call this the head stage, where we design the framework, strategy and mechanisms for your version of success.

Pulling on 25 years of work and organisational psychological principles and experience, you are guaranteed a best-in-class end result, that is aligned, resourced, and purpose-led.

Getting the best results 

I’d love to talk you through all this and hear about your group’s needs, of course there is flexibility in how we work together. 

I have seen my three-step model proving incredible life-changing results, but if your community will struggle to find the time or money to invest in this, we can discuss other ways to work on a more bespoke or modular basis.

If you are a charity you can find out more about how we could work together here. Every year I offer my services completely free of charge to one or two charity groups.

Wellbeing retreats

My retreat workshops give everyone the chance to renew and recharge, away from the pressures and distractions of normal life. In honour of the changing seasons, and in line with the ancient Celtic festivals, four times a year I offer half-day, in person sessions.

I also offer bespoke residential retreats, as well as tailor-made retreats for organisations or community groups. These retreats offer a mix of ancient and modern methods, rituals, discussion, movement, and stillness, and are co-created in partnership with the audience in mind.