Climate info to digest

The Climate Crisis is non-stop, every day. It’s a relentless story with very little positivity, and as a result many people tune it out. Understandably. It’s hard to wrap our heads around the enormity of it all, but with breaks encouraged, we do need to keep abreast and educate ourselves about what is going on and what is being done.

In my last post, I talked a little bit about some simple things we can do to push the climate agenda in our own lives’ day to day. The difficult conversations we can have at home, at work and in our communities. And also, how by coming together we can build trust and hope, overcoming any paralysis that can occur with climate anxiety.

Personally, I find it hard to know what to trust when I want to read about the current state of affairs, but here are some links to various sources - in no particular order - that I have found helpful. I encourage you to jump on these links and go down a rabbit hole with each. An exhaustive list on this topic is impossible, but these links all tell a story and lead onto other stories and other information that you might like/need to know. What are other sources you like?

World Economic Forum 3 Climate Trends - Issue 19

Climate Coaching Alliance

How small countries can make a big impact on climate change - Nicola Sturgeon

Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

World Meteorological Organisation

Joanna Macy

We all need to stay focused, committed and to use our collective, inter-dependent voices to take action and to celebrate action and to come together for systems change.


Interdependency - Individual/Organisation/Community