How to Live from the Inside Out

At the beginning of this calendar new year, with all and sundry touting the positives of their approach to a “healthier you,” I urge you to listen indeed, take stock for sure, but ultimately, to allow your focus and investments to be driven by your inner world. What do you personally need?

As three type of chartered Psychologist, Accredited Professional level Executive Coach and Irish Celtic Shaman, I am uniquely qualified to help you. Many years ago, I did some retrospective analysis of key themes I had seen with clients over about a ten-year period. I found five powerful ones. I discovered that those who were overly busy, responding to all the external demands in their lives, were the least healthy and the least happy and effective. They were living life “from the outside in,” and this was coming at the expense of their own inner truth. In fact, many of them didn’t know they had an inner truth to be aware of.

When we gently began to flip the lens, and began instead with what their own inner needs and drives were, they were able to respond rather than react to all their outer world demands. Rather than “dropping any balls” or lagging behind in anyway, my clients all became far happier, far more effective at work and at home, and far healthier. “How to live from the Inside Out” is the name of my first book, and I regularly run workshops and give seminars on the five themes that I identified. When we flip the lens on these five areas of our lives, and begin to live according to our own authentic uniqueness, we thrive.

So, with the new calendar Year ahead, and with so many conflicting demands of what you “should” do, I urge you to go gently. Pause. Listen. Lean into what you need. Make no apology for that. This is not to turn you into some raging narcist. You will still “serve” others and be a highly useful and important member of society. The difference is you will be operating from a different reservoir. And a different mindset and energy.

And remember, we’re here to love, and to be happy. The rest is gravy. So, keep it simple, keep it healthy, and learn to trust yourself more than ever. After all, if you can’t have a relationship with yourself, then how can you expect anyone else to have one with you?

And of course, if I can help, then please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you. You can sign up to hear about my upcoming workshops here


Two Evidence Based Podcasts for Optimum Health


Happiness and how to find it